S.O.C. Day @ Kellyville. A fantastic game with a great group of guys. Thanks to all the men of X-Factor, Bohica and L337 Krew for great sportsmanship and co-team coordination.
……goooooo blue team wooo!
S.O.C. Day @ Kellyville. A fantastic game with a great group of guys. Thanks to all the men of X-Factor, Bohica and L337 Krew for great sportsmanship and co-team coordination.
……goooooo blue team wooo!
Volunteered? VOLUNTEERED???!!!
if you mean volunteered for the first strike paintball shot found here -https://davidproberts.com/2011/03/25/first-strike-335-fps/ – then yes :p. i just had to know what it was like. unfortunately the gun was shooting a little too hot for safe operation.