Cool spider!

600 miles on the bike this weekend. Took the time to fish up some lunch. Foss state park – most excellent fishing!!!
Tidak hanya menyediakan data pengeluaran Macau 4D, Toto Macau 4D juga menawarkan berbagai fitur menarik yang dapat membantu Anda meningkatkan peluang kemenangan. Mulai dari alat analisis data yang canggih, hingga tips dan trik dari para ahli. Dengan bergabung di Toto Macau 4D, Anda akan mendapatkan pengalaman bermain yang menyenangkan dan menguntungkan. Ayo gabung sekarang dan raih hadiah data macau besar yang menanti Anda!
Quick cast net video without all the self inflated crap you find on youtube. Straight to the net.
Lots of great things to do at Robbers Cave. Worth a trip if you’ve never been down there.
First induction forge project – Kukri. From an old CJ leaf spring. Red/black construction paper micarta.
Apparently I didn’t post my “bigfoot” incident last December.
Dec 31, 2017:
So something hit the side of our house pretty hard about 10:45PM tonight just on the other side of the wall from where I’m sitting now in the kitchen. About 5 minutes later I stepped out on the front porch and instantly noticed a very strong rotten/wet dog/musty smell in the air. The smell was so weird/strong I went right back inside and drug Jess out to witness the smell in the air – she agreed there was a very strong odor of something we’d never smelled before. We went back inside and I geared up in 2 minutes and went out to check things out in proper get off my lawn attire.. First thing I noticed was the smell was completely gone. Drug Jess out again and said “take a deep breath.. .. what do you smell now?” At this point Jess was pretty spooked and went back inside. I surveyed the house exterior and observed a very slight breeze from the north. I think something was along our front porch sidewalk in the dark when we were standing on the porch. Whatever the smell was HAD to have been mobile, cuz in the 2 minutes it took me to put on shoes and a coat it was gone. I mean completely gone I circled the house trying to pick it back up several times. It must have moved south past the southern tree line bordering our house down wind. This smell was like putting fresh cat poop, wet dog hair and buck urine in a mildewy gym sock and holding it over your face it was so strong. I cannot exaggerate how potent and hard to place this smell was, crazy bizarre. I checked the side of the house for any rocks on the ground, didn’t see anything. When we first had the house built we used to get those noises frequently after we moved in, we always thought it was a deer hitting the bricks with antlers. Now I’m not so sure.–
Additional incident, early spring 2019. I was coughing a lot from allergies and slept in the guest bedroom so the wife could get some sleep. This guest bed is up against the wall immediately next to the window. The way its situated your head rests about 1 foot from the window. While lying in bed playin on my phone I suddenly hear a loud thump on the window. I quickly turn my head to the window and freeze, listening. I hear what sounds like someone dragging my ghillie suit coat pressed up against the top glass section of the window. The area that sometging was rubbing agaist was very distinctive as my head was less than 2 feet from whatever was rubbing on the other side of the window. I immediately flipped up the blinds as I turned on the flash light on my phone and saw something large move quickly away from the light into the darkness out of view. The height of the window brushing noise was about 6-7ft off the groubd. Very creepy.