this site has since been taken down, but the links in it still work… for now. here’s the page preserved from
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Tulsa District
Maps are in PDF format.
Arcadia Lake | No Hunting | Hunting Restrictions | |
Birch Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
As the result of cooperative arrangements between the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, several tracts on Birch Lake have been made available to Oklahoma sportsmen for restricted hunting. With the exception of the special restrictions outlined below, all provisions of the Oklahoma Hunting Regulations for Corps of Engineers lands are applicable on these areas.The following area is open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by archery only. Daftar IDN Poker sekarang dan jadilah master dalam permainan ini. Dengan mendaftar, Anda tidak hanya mendapatkan akses ke meja-meja poker terbaik, tetapi juga menjadi bagian dari komunitas yang bersemangat. Bersiaplah untuk mengejar gelar juara dan meraih penghargaan besar. 1) a 450-acre unit in the Birch Cove Outlet Park and Twin cove area.
Broken Bow Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
Broken Bow Lake is generally open to all hunting with all weapons in accordance with applicable Federal and state hunting regulations. | |||
Canton Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
As the result of cooperative arrangements between the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, several tracts on Canton Lake have been made available to Oklahoma sportsmen for restricted hunting. With the exception of the special restrictions outlined below, all provisions of the Oklahoma Hunting Regulations are applicable on these areas.The following area is open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by shotgun with pellets and archery.
1) An 80-acre unit above State Highway 58A in the Sandy Cove area.
Chouteau Lock and Dam | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
As the result of cooperative arrangements between the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, several tracts on Chouteau L&D lands have been made available to Oklahoma sportsmen for restricted hunting. With the exception of the special restrictions outlined below, all provisions of the Oklahoma Hunting Regulations are applicable on these areas.The following area is open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by shotgun with pellets and archery.
1) A 150-acre unit in the Tullahassee Loop Area. The following areas are open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by shotguns with pellets and archery, except deer hunting allowed with shotgun and slugs also. 1) All lands presently designated as open to public hunting from U.S. Highway 51 north to Newt Graham L&D 18. 2) An area beginning at the Missouri Kansas Texas Railroad and proceeding North to the Old Highway 69 bridge and then proceeding Southwest along the West bank of the oxbow and ending at the Muskogee Turnpike. Except an area immediately north and south and around Lock & Dam 17 which is closed to all hunting. C. Areas open to firearms, except closed to goose hunting and to center fire firearms. 1) All lands from Highway 69 and east to L&D 17 on the north side of the Verdigris River.
Copan Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
As the result of cooperative arrangements between the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, several tracts on Copan Lake have been made available to Oklahoma sportsmen for restricted hunting. With the exception of the special restrictions outlined below, all provisions of the Oklahoma Hunting Regulations for Corps of Engineers lands are applicable on these areas.The following areas are open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by shotgun with pellets and archery.
1) A 650-acre unit below the dam. 2) A 100-acre unit east and southeast of the Copan Point Public Use Area. 3) Three islands north of Washington Cove Public Use Area. The following areas are open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open season by archery only. 1) A 50-acre unit north and east of the Copan Point Area 2) A 50-acre unit north of the Post Oak park Area and a 5-acre unit west of the Post Oak Public Use Area between the old and new Highway 10. 3) A 340-acre unit north of the Washington Cove Area.
Council Grove Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
All lands indicated on the public hunting map are open for hunting in accordance with federal and state regulations. Kansas hunting regulations may be obtained at the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks office located in Canning Creek Cove park on the west side of the lake or the Corps of Engineers office at the west end of the dam.Hunting areas are open for hunting for all species which may be legally taken during open season. Hunting in accordance with Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks regulations for the species of wildlife involved is legal on all Council Grove Lake hunting areas.
Hunters should pay particular attention to special restrictions for areas identified on the map where these restrictions apply. Duck blinds will be permitted only if constructed of nature materials, and removed by the end of the day.
El Dorado Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
Hunting at the El Dorado Lake is in accordance with applicable Federal and state regulations. Unless otherwise posted, hunting is permitted in designated hunting areas with all legal weapons. Generally, all lands are open to the public for hunting except developed recreational areas and lands around the dam and other structures.Only temporary duck blinds are authorized on the project and these must be removed after each days use.
Elk City Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
Hunting at the Elk City Lake is in accordance with applicable federal and state regulations. Unless otherwise posted, hunting is permitted in designated project hunting areas with all legal weapons. Generally, all lands are open to the public for hunting except developed recreational areas and lands around the dam and other structures.Only temporary duck blinds are authorized and these must be removed after each days use.
Eufaula Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
As the result of cooperative arrangements between the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, several tracts on Eufaula Lake have been made available to Oklahoma sportsmen for restricted hunting. With the exception of the special restrictions outlined below, all provision of the Oklahoma Hunting Regulations for Corps of Engineers lands are applicable on these areas.The following areas are open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by shotgun with pellets from November 1 through February 28 and archery from October 1 through February 28.
1) A 320-acre unit in the Brooken Cove Area. 2) A 137-acre unit in the Highway 31 Landing Area. 3) A 98-acre unit in Holiday Cove Recreation Area. 4) A 200-acre unit in the Juniper Creek Area. 5) A 100-acre unit below the dam on the north side of the river. The following areas are open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open season by shotguns with pellets and archery, except deer hunting allowed with shotgun and slugs also. 1) A 100-acre unit southeast across the lake from Arrowhead State Park. 2) A 600-acre unit known as Duchess Creek Island. C. Open to archery only from 1 December through 28 February. 1) A 435-acre unit in the Bell Starr South Recreation Area.
Fall River Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
Hunting at Fall River Lake is in accordance with applicable Federal and state regulations. The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks enforces fish and game laws. Unless otherwise posted, hunting is permitted in designated hunting areas with all legal weapons. All lands are open to the public for hunting, except for developed recreation areas, lands around the dam, and other structures as indicated on the hunting map.Only temporary duck blinds are authorized and they must be removed after each hunting trip.
Fort Gibson Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
As the result of cooperative arrangements between the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, several tracts on Fort Gibson Lake have been made available to Oklahoma sportsmen for restricted hunting. With the exception of the special restrictions outlined below, all provision of the Oklahoma Hunting Regulations for Corps of Engineers lands are applicable on these areas.The following areas are open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by shotgun with pellets and archery.
1) A 300-acre area on the north side of North Bay. 2) A 800-acre area on the south side of the Chouteau Creek, starting at U.S. Highway 69 and running east and south to State Highway 33. 3) A 320-acre area across the lake from the Chouteau Bend Recreation Area. 4) A 480-acre area on the west side of Mallard Bay. 5) A 650-acre area on Pryor Creek beginning on the east side of State Highway 69 in sections 29, 30, and 31. 6) A 424-acre area in section 13 of the Blue Bill Point housing addition. 7) A 190-acre area in the south half of section 12, north of the Blue Bill Recreation Area. 8) A 160-acre area west of the town of Murphy. 9) A 120-acre area west of the town of Hulbert. The following areas are open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open season by archery only. 1) A 515-acre area on the south side of Mallard Bay. 2) A 360-acre area on the north side of the mouth of North Bay. 3) A 50-acre area south of the Jackson Bay area. 4) A 100-acre area on the northeast end of Ranger Creek. 5) A 70-acre area on the upper end of Pryor Creek adjacent to the east side of State Highway 69. 6) A 488-acre area on the south side of Whitehorn Cove concession is open 1 Nov thru 15 Jan ONLY! 7) A 150-acre area in the NW quarter of Section 29, T18N, R19E. 8) A 320-acre area south of North Bay and north of Wagoner City Park. 9) A 140-acre area north of Long Bay and south of Wagoner City Park. 10) A 36-acre area in Sec 6, T16N, R20E. 11) A 77-acre area on the north shore of Ranger Creek. 12) A 166-acre area west of Taylor Ferry South park in Sec 20 & 21, T17N, R19E. 13) A 432-acre area lying east of the junction of Snug Harbor and Whitehorn Cove road. The following area is closed to rifles during the deer gun season. 1) a 1,166-acre area south of Toppers Road and north of State Highway 51 west of Long Bay. This is a state game management area.
Fort Supply Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
All Fort Supply lands indicated on the Wildlife Management Area map are open for hunting in accordance with both Federal and state hunting regulations. Persons are permitted to construct a daily temporary duck blind. A permanent duck blind requires a permit issued by the Oklahoma Wildlife Department on a first-come, first-served basis after National Hunting and Fishing Day.No hunting will be allowed within 500 feet of a recreation area, within 300 feet of the toe of the dam, or within 300 feet of primitive hunter/camping areas.
Guns may be sighted in only at one of the two approved ranges. One is located north of the Corps Project office and another is located at the south end of the lake off the airport road. HUNTING RESTRICTIONS; 1) Closed to deer hunting the first two days of gun season except for those persons drawn for the bonus gun hunt. 2) Open to the general public the following Monday through Sunday of the gun season. 3) No antler less hunting except for the archery season. 4) Open to quail hunting the Monday following the close of deer gun season. 5) A 183-acre unit in the south portion of Fort Supply Park is open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open season for archery only. Refer to the current Oklahoma hunting regulations for further updated information on the Hal and Fern Cooper WMA.
Great Salt Plains Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
Hunting at Great Salt Plains Lake is in accordance with applicable Federal and state regulations. The Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge permits hunting only during special seasons and under restriction as set by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. For information on these hunts, contact the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, 1801 N. Lincoln Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 521-2739 or the Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge, Rt. 1, Box 76, Jet, OK 73749.HUNTING OF PHEASANT, QUAIL, DOVE, DUCKS, GEESE, AND SANDHILL CRANES IS PERMITTED ON DESIGNATED AREAS (see map) SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:
1) Hunting is restricted to the area bounded by the refuge boundary on the west and north, the western boundary of hunting units A and B on the east, and 150 yards north of State Highway 11 on the south. The 150 yards north of State Highway 11 is a retrieval zone only. 2) All state regulations apply, except as listed below. 3) No rifles or handguns allowed in the hunt area. 4) STEEL SHOT ONLY. Hunters can not be in possession of shot shells loaded with shot other than steel while in the hunting area. 5) Decoys and materials brought into the refuge for blind constructions must be removed at the end of each days hunt. 6) All vehicles must be parked in designated refuge access parking areas. 7) Legal shooting hours are from one-half hour before sunrise until noon. No afternoon hunting. 8) Hunters are to log in and out daily. 9) All minors must be accompanied by an adult. 10) All hunting will be closed during the regular State rifle deer season.
Heyburn Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
As the result of cooperative arrangements between the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, several tracts on Heyburn Lake have been made available to Oklahoma sportsmen for restricted hunting. With the exception of the special restrictions outlined below, all provisions of the Oklahoma Hunting Regulations for Corps of Engineers lands are applicable on these areas.The following area is open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by archery only.
1) A 120-acre unit south of the Dam site Park area and west of the outlet channel. NON-AMBULATORY AREA — Hunters with non-ambulatory permits may access this area with ATV’s. Contact the Heyburn Project Office for blind reservations or the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife for additional information. Telephone (918) 247-6391.
Hugo Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
As the result of cooperative arrangements between the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, several tracts on Hugo Lake have been made available to Oklahoma sportsmen for restricted hunting. With the exception of the special restrictions outlined below, all provisions of the Oklahoma Hunting Regulations for Corps of Engineers lands are applicable on these areas.The following areas are open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by shotgun with pellets and archery. Special Hunts coordinate with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife conservation doe not apply.
1) A 2,373-acre unit in the Kiamichi Park Area. Bucks must have a minimum 15-inch outside antler spread. No turkey hunting. 2) A 418-acre unit in the Salt Creek Area. No turkey hunting. 3) A 478-acre unit in the Wilson Point Area. 4) A 481-acre unit in the Virgil Point Area. 5) A 280-acre unit in the Sawyer Bluff Area. 6) A 60-acre unit in the Rattan Landing Area. 7) A 500-acre unit in the embankment area above Hugo Dam.
Hulah Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
As the result of cooperative arrangements between the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, several tracts on Hulah Lake have been made available to Oklahoma sportsmen for restricted hunting. With the exception of the special restrictions outlined below, all provisions of the Oklahoma Hunting Regulations for Corps of Engineers lands are applicable on these areas.The following areas open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by shotgun with pellets and archery.
1) A 200-acre unit in the Turkey Creek Point Area. 2) A 60-acre unit below Hulah Dam. 3) A 375-acre unit in the Caney Bend Area. The following area is open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by archery only. 1) A 40-acre unit south of the Hulah State Park Office. Open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by archery only. 1) a 40-acre unit south of the Hulah State Park Office
John Redmond Reservoir | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
Hunting at the John Redmond Lake is allowed in accordance with applicable Federal and state fish and wildlife regulations. Generally, all project lands are open to hunting with the exception of developed recreations areas, administrative areas, the dam and other structures, and special restricted areas.Hunting on the Flint Hills National Wildlife Refuge is permitted only during special seasons and under certain restrictions as set by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. For more information contact the Refuge Manager, PO Box 128, Hartford, KS 66854 — (316) 392-5553.
Hunting on the Otter Creek Wildlife Area is permitted only during special seasons and under certain restrictions as set by the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks. For more information contact the Director, Rt 2, Box 54A, Pratt, KS 67124 — (316) 672-5911.
Kaw Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
As the result of cooperative arrangements between the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, several tracts on Kaw Lake have been made available to Oklahoma sportsmen for restricted hunting. With the exception of the special restrictions outlined below, all provisions of the Oklahoma Hunting Regulations for Corps of Engineers lands are applicable on these areas.The following areas are open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by shotgun with pellets and archery.
1) A 280-acre unit in the Trader’s Bend Area. 2) A 320-acre unit in the Sarge Creek Area. 3) A 220 unit-acre in the Burbank Landing Area. 4) A 110-acre unit between the Sandy Park Swim Beach and the Osage Cove Area. 5) A 100-acre unit the Bear Creek Area. Hunting is open from 15 Sep through 15 Feb only. The following areas are open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open season by archery only. 1) A 400-acre unit in the Washunga Bay Public Use Area. 2) A 600-acre unit in the McFadden Cove Public Use Area and below the dam embankment access road. 3) A 236-acre unit in the Osage Cove Public Use Area. Archery hunting in the Osage Cove Public Use Area is open from 1 Dec through 31 Dec only. 4) A 60-acre unit south of Kaw City and west of Pioneer Park. The Kaw Lake Public Hunting Area is restricted to deer and waterfowl hunting only during deer gun season. The Eagle View Hiking Trail will be closed during the deer primitive arms and rifle season.
Keystone Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
As the result of cooperative arrangements between the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, several tracts on Keystone Lake have been made available to Oklahoma sportsmen for restricted hunting. With the exception of the special restrictions outlined below, all provision of the Oklahoma Hunting Regulations for Corps of Engineers lands are applicable on these areas.The following areas are open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by shotgun with pellets and archery.
1) A 420-acre unit including land north and south of the Cowskin North Recreation Area. 2) A 200-acre unit on the west side of the north end of the U.S. Highway 64 bridge. 3) A 515-acre unit north of New Mannford Ramp Area. 4) A 480-acre unit east of the Cimarron Park Area. 5) A 100-acre unit north and south of the Pawnee Cove Access Point. 6) A 200-acre unit in the Old Mannford Ramp area. 7) A 280-acre unit on the south side of the road ending at Washington Irving North. 8) A 120-acre unit west and south of the Sinnett Cemetery and south of the Old Keystone Road. 9) A 200-acre unit south of Highway 51 on Bakers Branch.
Lake Texoma | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
As the result of cooperative arrangements between the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, several tracts on Lake Texoma have been made available to Oklahoma sportsmen for restricted hunting. With the exception of the special restrictions outlined below, all provisions of the Texas and Oklahoma Hunting Regulations are applicable on these areas.The following areas are open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by shotgun with pellets and archery.
1) A 355-acre unit in the Burns Run Area. 2) a 457-acre unit below Denison Dam. 3) A 60-acre unit in the Willow Springs Area. 4) A 150-acre unit in the Kansas Creek Area. 5) A 100-acre unit on the north side of Alberta Creek. 6) A 110-acre on the Limestone Creek Area. 7) A 250-acre unit on the Treasure Island, North Island Group. 8) A 500-acre unit southwest of McLaughlin Creek. 9) A 1,100 acre unit in the Washita Point Area. 10) A 1,200-acre unit north of Newberry Creek. 11) A 300-acre unit south of the Butcher Pen area. 12) A 800-acre unit on either side of highway 70 east of the Roosevelt Bridge. 13) A 1,000 acre unit in the Lakeside area. 14) A 208-acre unit west of Platter. The two National Wildlife Refuges managed by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service on Lake Texoma are: the Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, an 11,429-acre waterfowl refuge, on the Big Mineral Arm and the Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge, a 13,450-acre waterfowl refuge, located on the Washita Arm. Both refuges are marked either by buoys or signs. Hunting is restricted to special seasons as determined by US Fish and Wildlife Service personnel. All boating and fishing is restricted on the refuges from 1 October through 31 March. The 3,170-acre Tishomingo Cooperative Wildlife Management Area is open for hunting as specified times during the fall season. Only temporary duck blinds may be constructed and must be removed from the lake at the end of each hunting trip. Boat launching facilities are available in developed Corps recreation areas.
Marion Reservoir | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
Hunting at Marion Lake is in accordance with applicable Federal and state regulations. Unless otherwise posted, hunting is permitted in designated hunting areas with all legal weapons. Generally, all lands are open to the public for hunting except developed recreational areas, the State Waterfowl Refuge, and lands around the dam and other structures.Only temporary duck blinds are authorized and they must be removed after each hunting trip.
Newt Graham Lock and Dam | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
As the result of cooperative arrangements between the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, several tracts on Newt Graham L&D lands have been made available to Oklahoma sportsmen for restricted hunting. With the exception of the special restrictions outlined below, all provisions of the Oklahoma Hunting Regulations are applicable on these areas.The following area is open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by shotguns with pellets and archery.
1) All lands presently designated as open to public hunting.
Oologah Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
As the result of cooperative arrangements between the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, several tracts on Oologah Lake have been made available to Oklahoma sportsmen for restricted hunting. With the exception of the special restrictions outlined below, all provisions of the Oklahoma Hunting Regulations are applicable on these areas.The following areas are open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by shotgun with pellets and archery.
1) An 80-acre unit on the east side of Blue Creek Park. 2) A 180-acre unit on the south side of Spencer Creek Park. 3) The 640-acre island (known as Goose Island) southeast of Sunnyside Ramp. 4) A 120-acre unit east of Double Creek Cove Park.
Optima Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
All designated lands on the public hunting map are open for hunting in accordance with Federal and state regulations. Persons are permitted to build daily temporary duck blinds only on a first-come, first-served basis on Optima Lake.Angler Point to Hardesty Park and areas near the dam structures are closed to hunting. Public lands leased for private use are also open to public hunting and fishing. The lessee, in order to protect personal property, may be authorized to lock gates or prohibit nonofficial vehicles. However, this action in no way prohibits the use of the area or prevents foot access across the leased area. Although the public has the right of free use and access across public lands, the lessee or licensee is entitled to collect compensation from persons causing damage to crops or facilities belonging to the lessee.
Pat Mayse Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
Hunting at Pat Mayse Lake is in accordance with applicable Federal and state regulations. Hunting is permitted in designated areas with all legal weapons. Generally, all lands are open to the public for hunting except developed recreational areas and lands around the dam and other structures. | |||
Pearson-Skubitz Big Hill Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
All lands indicated on the public hunting map are open for hunting in accordance with Federal and state regulations.Hunting areas are open for hunting for all species which may be legally taken during open season. Hunting in accordance with Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks regulations for the species of wildlife involved is legal on all Big Hill hunting areas. Hunters should pay particular attention to special restrictions for areas identified on the map where restrictions apply, Duck blinds will be permitted only if constructed of natural materials, and removed by the end of the day.
Pine Creek Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
Hunting at Pine Creek Lake is in accordance with applicable Federal and state regulations. Unless otherwise posted, hunting is permitted in designated hunting areas with all legal weapons. Generally, all lands are open to the public for hunting except developed recreational areas and lands around the dam and other structures.The following areas are open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open season by archery only.
1) A 200-acre unit north of Highway 3 and south of the old highway. 2) A 120-acre unit west of Little River Park.
Robert S. Kerr Lock and Dam and Reservoir | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
As the result of cooperative arrangements between the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, several tracts on Robert S. Kerr L&D lands have been made available to Oklahoma sportsmen for restricted hunting. With the exception of the special restrictions outlined below, all provisions of the Oklahoma Hunting Regulations for Corps of Engineers lands are applicable on these areas.The following areas are open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by all other firearms other than center fire rifles. Muzzleloaders and shotguns with slugs are allowed.
1) A 90-acre unit in Little San Bois Creek Public Use area. 2) A 160-acre unit on the eastern portion of Cowlington Point Public Use area. 3) A 200-acre unit on the eastern portion of Short Mountain Cove Public Use Area. 4) A 135-unit in the Applegate Cove Area.
Sardis Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
As the result of cooperative arrangements between the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, several tracts on Sardis Lake have been made available to Oklahoma sportsmen for restricted hunting. With the exception of the special restrictions outlined below, all provisions of the Oklahoma Hunting Regulations are applicable on these areas.Open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by shotgun with pellets and archery.
1) A 950-acre unit in the Potato Hills Area. 2) A 100-acre unit in the Sardis Cove Area.
Skiatook Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
As the result of cooperative arrangements between the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, several tracts on Skiatook Lake have been made available to Oklahoma sportsmen for restricted hunting. With the exception of the special restrictions outlined below, all provisions of the Oklahoma Hunting Regulations for Corps of Engineers lands are applicable on these areas.The following areas are open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by archery only.
1) A 138-acre unit in the Osage Park. 2) A 200-acre unit area below Skiatook Dam extending south to Tall Chief Cove Park.
Tenkiller Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
As the result of cooperative arrangements between the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, several tracts on Tenkiller Lake have been made available to Oklahoma sportsmen for restricted hunting. With the exception of the special restrictions outlined below, all provisions of the Oklahoma Hunting Regulations for Corps of Engineers lands are applicable on these areas.The following areas are open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by shotgun with pellets and archery.
1) A 110-acre unit north of the asphalt road and east of OK Highway 10A. 2) a 310-acre unit south and east of OK Highway 100. The following areas are open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by all firearms other than center fire firearms. This prohibits high power rifles and center fire handguns. Muzzleloaders and shotguns with slugs are allowed. 1) A 320-acre unit between Tenkiller State Park and Cato Creek Landing Public Use area. 2) A 300-acre unit southeast Etta Bend.
Toronto Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
Hunting at the Toronto Lake is in accordance with applicable Federal and state regulations. Unless otherwise posted, hunting is permitted in designated hunting areas with all legal weapons. Generally, all Toronto Lake lands are open to the public for hunting except developed recreational areas and lands around the dam and other structures.Only temporary duck blinds are authorized on the project and these must be removed after each days use.
Truscott Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
Hunting at the Truscott Lake is in accordance with applicable Federal and state regulations. Unless otherwise posted or as designated on map hunting is permitted in designated project hunting areas with archery and shotguns only. Generally, all Truscott Lake lands are open to the public for hunting except developed recreational areas and lands around the dam and other structures. | |||
W.D. Mayo Lock and Dam | No Hunting | Hunting Restrictions | |
There are no hunting areas on W.D. Mayo Lock and Dam lands. | |||
Waurika Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
Note: Hunting Map was revised 2008As the result of cooperative arrangements between the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, several tracts on Waurika Lake have been made available to Oklahoma sportsmen for restricted hunting. With the exception of the special restrictions outlined below, all provisions of the Oklahoma Hunting Regulations for Corps of Engineers lands are applicable on these areas.
Designated areas are open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by shotgun with pellets and archery. Fall deer and turkey season are open to archery hunting only. Spring turkey season is prohibited. Hunting is prohibited within 500 feet of the dam structure and public use areas. A non-ambulatory hunt is offered in late October, in cooperation with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. Qualified hunters should consult the Oklahoma Controlled Hunts Application Booklet for details.
Webbers Falls Lock and Dam | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
As the result of cooperative arrangements between the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, several tracts on Webbers Falls L&D lands have been made available to Oklahoma sportsmen for restricted hunting. With the exception of the special restrictions outlined below, all provisions of the Oklahoma Hunting Regulations are applicable on these areas.The following areas are open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by shotgun with pellets and archery.
1) A 37-acre unit on the peninsula north of the L&D. 2) A 150-acre unit in the Hopewell Park Area. 3) A 50-acre unit in the Arrowhead Park Area. 4) A 150-acre unit in the Brewer’s Bend Area, only open for hunting 1 December through 28 February. 5) A 50-acre unit south of the Spaniard Creek Area. 6) A 60-acre unit of lock view access road and south of the project office.
Wister Lake | Map Link | Hunting Restrictions | |
As the result of cooperative arrangements between the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Tulsa District Corps of Engineers, several tracts on Wister Lake have been made available to Oklahoma sportsmen for restricted hunting. With the exception of the special restrictions outlined below, all provisions of the Oklahoma Hunting Regulations are applicable on these areas.The following area is open for hunting of all species which may legally be taken during legal open seasons by shotgun with pellets and archery.
1) A 400-acre unit east of the uncontrolled spillway and Glendale Dike.
We’re do you recommend a lake to deer hunt with a rifle? I see a lot of emails areas just allow archery and pellets and some slugs. I hunt with rifle what areas do you recommend? Thanks mike